Massive Moments When Twitter Hashtag Activism Really Worked

Did you know that the top twitter hashtags can be used for a lot of things. Businesses use them to increase their reach and engagement. Activists use hashtags to convey messages to stop certain bad things in society. Hashtags on Twitter have been used severally to make the world a better place. Here are some instances where hashtags were used on twitter to make the world a better place.


This hashtag started from a Facebook post after the shooting of 17-year-old boy Trayvon Martin in 2012. The hashtag has spawned a movement of civil rights activism that has changed the face of the US. The movement is fueled by the grief of unjust killings by a range of racism. The hashtag has been used to bring equal rights among Americans irrespective of their race. The black lives matter movement doesn’t actually mean that only black lives matter but that all lives matter. The hashtag was intended to grab attention and prevent the killing of black people since they were predominantly the victims of these attacks.

Bring back our girls

In April 2014, the top twitter hashtag search was #bringbackourgirls. This hashtag came after 276 schoolgirls were abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria. The act outraged the world which used hashtags to rebuke the act. The hashtag was first used in Nigeria on April 23 2014.
In less than three weeks, this hashtags had been used by people from all over the world more than a million times.

Use of hashtags in branding

Apart from using top twitter hashtags for activism and condemning ill acts in society, twitter hashtags can be used by businesses to brand themselves. For example, Coca-Cola used the hashtag #tastethefeeling to brand itself across the world. If businesses know the correct use of hashtags on twitter, they can build a strong audience and brand themselves.


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