2020 Effective Tips To Get The Most Out Of Instagram Hashtags

When it comes to using top Instagram hashtags on the world wide web, there are a lot of things you need to know since Instagram keeps on updating their algorithms. Here are the latest tips to help you get the most out of Instagram hashtags.

Keep your hashtags organized

If you want to create an efficient Instagram hashtag system, you can use an Instagram analytics tool or excel. If you choose to use an excel sheet then you will need to manually keep track of the right hashtags to use. Over time, you will see a relationship between certain Instagram hashtags and your most popular Instagram posts. This can help you choose hashtags that work best for you.

If you have an advanced social media team, you should consider using sophisticated tools to find the right trending Instagram hashtags to use.

Figure out your magic number

The most experienced and top brands use seven or even fewer Instagram hashtags per post. It is therefore easy to assume that is the magic number for every business. This is not always the case. You cannot know how many Instagram hashtags will work best for you until you do a comprehensive test. You need to give yourself time to research and find the right number of hashtags that work for you.

Narrow your Instagram hashtags

A small volume of hashtags is better for your brand. It is easy to compete in a smaller pool. Avoid using hashtags that are too broad if you know very well that you cannot compete with larger brands using the same hashtags.

Research what other people are using

Using top Instagram hashtags that are not benefiting your brand is a waste of time. It is therefore important to research what your competitors and other related brands are using and beat them at their own game.


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