Understanding How Twitter Search Can Benefit Your Business

If you are only using twitter hashtag search to promote your content, you are missing out on something. While it is good for that, it is also a valuable discovery tool. There are millions of tweets sent every day on twitter. That is a ton of information. Twitter makes it easy to navigate this fresh information and find the things that are relevant to you and your business with the twitter search. Here are some benefits of twitter search.
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Find out what users are saying about you

A lot of users on twitter will not take the time to track down your account every time they are talking about your business. To find out what users are saying about your company or product, search for your product name or business name and any post containing those words or twitter trending hashtags related to your business will appear in the search stream. This will help you keep up with your customers and know what they are saying about your business.

Stay in touch with your audience

Try searching for terms or hashtags related to your local community and save those that are used actively. This will help you know what terms and hashtags that you can use to engage your audience more.

Be on top of trending topics

The majority of work you are involved in may happen on a local level but there are topics outside of your community that you will need to be aware of. For example, there could be a federal or state policy change that could impact members of your industry directly. By saving a search related to certain topics you are interested in, you will access most of the discussions happening across the world. A twitter hashtag search will also give you some of the hashtags trending across the world and this is the best opportunity to use them to market your business.


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