Tips On How To Use Instagram Hashtags In Stories

Did you know that you can add Instagram trending hashtags to your stories? The Instagram story feature is supportive of hashtags. When you add hashtags to your Instagram stories, you can put the hashtag in text, a sticker or by way of a location tag. After placing the hashtag in your story, it goes on the image and you can style it just like the stickers and texts. When pasted in the text, the hashtag is often underlined. Here are some simple ways to use hashtags in your Instagram stories.
Instagram Trending Hashtags

Location tags can be counted as hashtags because they function the same as hashtags. You can add a linked location to a video or image just like you add hashtags. However, you can only post a location using the Instagram sticker. You can also add only one location to your video or image.

You can do an Instagram hashtag search and use a suitable location hashtag that can make your post get into an aggregated story.


Your campaign hashtag is very popular. This makes an aggregated hashtag story to be created to highlight the user-generated content that your audience provides. Your brand is not able to control the aggregation. Adding a branded Instagram linked hashtag to all your stories will increase awareness and engagement of your campaigns within your audience.

Avoid using hashtags excessively

You can also try the excessive self-promotion strategy. You can use excessive hashtags in your stories to improve your reach but this will only attract spammers.

Instagram Trending Hashtags


Instagram trending hashtags are not necessarily to build your brand. One effective way of using hashtags in your stories is to use them sparingly. You can use them in some stories and leave them out of other stories. You don’t want your followers to see you as a nagging brand. A brand that overuses hashtags on Instagram can appear to be solely focused on likes and not authentic forms of engagement.


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